Sunday, August 26, 2012


Please include : Nishadi Dharmasena /23/08/2012/post 2  

                      TRY TO DO GOOD THINGS.........

21st of august another day in clerkship.we went health education bureau which situated at Kinsey road,Clombo08.I was thinking this will be very useful for us because next day we have health education programme.So i thought we can gain some information about health education.We prepare our topics and wait for get a chance to talk with madam who gave a lecture for us.
During lecture i was thinking that as a third world country we should be happy about knowledge of our people about health.After visiting to health education bureau I came to know that people got that knowledge from health education programmes.So i was very happy because we are going to contribute a little part as far as possible to health education tomorrow.   
Considering about health education bureau its Vision is; “Fostering a healthier nation that contributes to its economic,social,mental and spiritual well being”.  

Objective of the health education is change the behaviours of the people. 


By the means of that   
          1.Give correct information    
          2.Change the attitudes
          3.Develop skills   
          4.Motivation                             should be done    

v                              After giving information to stop bad behavior have to introduce alternative too. 
v                               Don’t overload the patient with so many information. 
v                               Appreciate the every and each changes. 
v                               After discussion with the patient should summarize it. 
       After this information about health education i thought that thanks to clerkship programme we added another important thing to our life today.Dear sisters and brothers we are coming tomorrow to change you in a good way.After our mission i think you will  TRY TO DO GOOD THINGS........    

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