Sunday, August 19, 2012

eranthaka malewana


first post


"whose patient is this?" followed by a dead silence from the whole group.and then we realizing that he is no ones'!!!! and followed by.............
OK you can imagine other things being a medical student.......this is how your life goes on and on on those beautiful mornings.....

But for now as far as clinical groups A & B are concerned it is some thing different,some thing new and interesting.THE CLERKSHIP PROGRAM has given us a new experience which i think all most all of us are enjoying and learning.

One of my favorite visits so far was on 17th of august which was to INFECTIOUS DISEASE HOSPITAL at ANGODA.

The matron of the hospital welcomed us and gave us a brief introduction on the hospital, where we got to know that the hospital was first built during the English governing time.those days main purpose was to isolate and treat small pox patients.we also got to know that the hospital now function as a base hospital with medical and pediatric wards and clinics and also has a separate unit dedicated 
for HIV patients.
Aha then about this magic fluid should be a magic fluid looking at the way they have used it effectively to control the spread of  the infections.
Then the matron asked us how would us as doctors arrange a clinic setting in a best possible way to restrict the spread of infections!bang..had any of us think about it before? any way we know it now.we know that The fan should behind the doctor and the patient should be near the window directly opposite to the fan!
The most recent epidemics that IDH had to manage was SARS and SWINE FLU  .all those stories specialy The way they faced the formar with very less knowledge of the disease as wel as with minimal facilities made me to think what a hard work these people are doing.they risk their own life in way to treat people.they are a pride to medical field .aren't they?
Wait .the funny part is yet to come....we were taught how to properly wear a PPE-PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT . actually it was demonstrated and the dummy came from no where when the matron suddenly called me who was sitting at a corner...It was consist of green colour pajama kit with long sleeves,orange colour ovaroll on top op it,a polythene apron ,N-95 mask the WHO recommended viral filter , goggles ,a cap over the whole head with shoe covers and gloves..well with all these i was turned to an alien in  a flash.and it was very hot inside and i do have this habit of sweating more so it was bit discomfort for me.the matron keep on describe and i was all full of sweat.then i had to visit the rooms allocated 
 for the patients with same suit.oh dear....It took some more time for her to explain the room set up and finally off we go.i was sweating like in the middle of sahara to noon.
"cloth has sealed well,that should be the reason for this much sweat " she told!!!
I was uncomfortable with the cloth for 20 odd minutes and they wear it every time they visit the patient.So they mean real business.Hats off to all doctors and the staff at IDH.....

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