Saturday, August 25, 2012



Live without mother and father....

Can you even imagine it?

But there are lot of such children in Sri Lanka.So,this is a big problem in society .Because no oneto give affection or careness for those children without any profit.So,Shilpa institute have established for such children and for children suffering from low socioeconomic status.
22.08.2012-Onthis day,we started our visit to the Shilpa institute at about 8am and we reached there 9am.It is situated at Narahenpita for girls below 18 yrs old.after they passed 18 yrs old ,they have to leave the orphanage .even though, Shilpa institute gave a good education before they leave.Because of that it seems to be differ than other orphanages. And also this institute try to give job opportunities for every girl .Ther are 75 girls are staying here under a good administrative care.Each of this child has adonour that sponsored 3000Rs per month.ASwellas the government also sponsor to Shilpa institute.

When we entered to the Shilpa institute,more girls were preparing for their studies.It seems
to be they are staing happily ,smiling and chatting with each other.They are very tidy girls that,works according to a time table .The cupboard with the medals,show their talants to us.

On that day we were prepared to discuss the health related problems with them.(according to their age group) .And also community medicine academic staff gave instructions to us regarding the topic selection and contents should include to the topic.

So we were divided in to 4 groups and teaches them regarding the common health related problems. (first aid,menstrual hygiene ,hand washing,..etc)Then we could certify their intelligence When teaching to them.We use a questionnaire and posters to teach them.  And also ,after   teaching, we discussed their problems .
se include : Name of student /Date of Visit/post number (1/2/3/4 etc)

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