Saturday, August 25, 2012


Dulanjani Senarath
post no-2

Yes,it's true that the clerkship programme is like a journey that adds lot of new experiences to our lives.In that journey the 'Health Education Programme' touched my heart so strongly..

Though the previous groups have done their health education programme in schools,we had to do that in an orphanage because of the school vacation.The children in an orphanage don't get the love an care from their parents as they don't have  their parents in most of the instances.They are left alone in this world.They are brought up by the orphanage till they become Strong enough to stand on their own in the society.So,educating them seemed to be a difficult thing than educating school children without ruining their emotions.

'Shilpa Children's Development Centre' is the place that we were asked to conduct our educating programme.We got to know that it has nearly 60 girls from 3 years to 22 years.Our group decided to educate the girls above 18 years.It was a hard job to select an appropriate topic for them.A girl above 18 is considered as a youth.She may experience many changes in her body,mind and social behaviour.Usually the guidance is given to her by her parents to face the challenges in the new world that she is suppose to expose as a woman.But here,she doesn't have parents to guide her,share her worries..So she is at high risk of being stressed,going in a wrong path which ruins her whole life.Considering all those things we decided to educate about the stresses that they face,how to get out of them,sexual abuses that they are prone to face,bad effects of unsafe sex practices and ect..
The day arrived..we were so excited as it was the first time that we had to teach a group of young girls.Various thoughts were haunting our minds as we were not sure about their response towards us.Having doubts,we stepped in to the orphanage at around 9.30 a.m.But alarming us,we were warmly welcome by the staff and the children.Then we were given the group above 18 years to teach.There were about 6 girls and they willingly joined our educating programme.Before getting into the matter,we introduced our selves to them and got to know about them.Out of them 3 were sitting for A/L examination this year in Art stream,one has taken the law entrance exam and awaiting for results,one is in grade 12 and the other one is involving in work at the orphanage office.They talked to us in a very friendly manner vanishing all our fears we had before going to that place.
To begin,we gave them the objectives and then we asked about the worries that they have in common and the areas that they want us to discuss other than our objectives.They came up with various problems and we broadly divided them into three categories as problems in education and future  carrier,day today problems,and problems due to changes in body and mind after development of secondary sexual characteristics.Then we discussed about each category and educated them how to find solutions and get rid of the stress.Next we moved on to teach them about sexual abuses and how to get protected from them.About abortions and the STD that results from unsafe sex practices drew their attention mostly.They were astonished after seeing the images of abortions and the STD victims,as they haven't seen them before.We got to know that their knowledge about contraceptive methods was so poor.So,we touched that area as well.As they wanted to know about the menstrual cycle and hygiene we briefly taught about that and solved all their queries on personal things.
 When time was up i was so sad as we had to bid good bye to them.Though it was the first time we met they became so friendly with us,as we were known for ages.We were not born to same parents,but we all belong to one family,thus they are our own sisters.

Still i can hear what they said when we were stepping out of that place.,''Ane akke..dan yanada hadanne?..tawa tikak inako..ane apiwa balana ayet dawasaka ennawa neda?...''

One came running behind us and gave us this note..making this one of the most precious things that we've gained in our lives..


1 comment:

  1. Good post Dulanjani,
    I have not been able to read all of your blogs this time as I was on the road a lot, but I see that at least some of you have got the hang of it. The main thing is to think about what you are learning all the time, to do it consciously so that you take away at least some of it for the future
    It is at times indeed rewarding to be a teacher, as you have seen :)
