Sunday, August 19, 2012

Meghawarna Rajapaksha
 post no 1
                                                      Bacteria... Viruses...Highly Infectious..

 Zzzzzz.... im still sleeping... Zzzzzz..."Triiin....Triiiin...Triiinnn..." Oh... my alarm watch.. what a loud lousy noice it produces..!!! whats the time now..I watched with half opened eyes. Shit... itz 6.15 am.. well i remember what our monitor said yesterday.... "You guyz must be there @ university tomorrow @ 7.00 am rite...If not i'll sure leave you behind.. "  God.. he's bad..
                                                             I wonder what he said after that.. to where we are going today.. I do not quite remember though... It doesn't matter anyway..Yesterday went to see controlling units..Gathered a lot of information..Such a fascinating journey it was.. So surely today also they'll take us to a place with such fascinating features...- Hope so..
                                                                I hurried..had a wash.. prepared quickly... time is 7.05.Damn it...5 minutes late.. still have to put my shoes..Whats that noice...???? my phon is ringing.. GOD.. its our monitor... still have to wear shoes..
                                   "Hello machan..,Im on the way.. near the gate.." - had to say that
          "Where are you hah..?We are getting late..We have to go to IDH hospital today.. come quickly...musnt be late.." - he's bad.. he's folt.. im a bad boy
                                                I ran ..sweating heavilly i am..partly because i was running.. Other part..?Due to my fear of hearing the word IDH... Isnt yhat infectious disease hospital we are going...??Oh my godnes.. im sweating.. im excited..Why are they taking us there..?dont think to punish us... - Hope so..
                                                     We are so close to angoda now... Just passed a says.. "IDH botique" got thrilled every where it is IDH.IDH.IDH......
                                                                        We were warmly welcome..I was still sweating though..Was thinking what kind of things might be starring @ us to shake hands with us... TB...Chiken pox...HIV...??
                                                               Staff is quite happy & relaxed though..not feared a bit as i am.. walkin here & there freely..Hospital has a wide area,cleaned well maintained..well ventillated..Ofcause i have to admit that this is not the place i was hoping to see..This infact is a nice calm place...Excitement reduced..Now im bit ok..Not so worried..walked with the rest.. still me watching around..Safe & sound..
                                                    A matron came.. Started her speech.. What a kind hearted person was she..Rest of the excitement dragged along with her words spontaneously....She explained us the history of the hospital,what actually it does & its importance...I admit ... i understood everything... why they sent us here.. im a bad boy.. i didnt understand it earlier...
                                                                    IDH - Infectious Diseases Hospital....established by the British in late 19th century.. To treat highly infectious diseases... Harbour was in colombo.. So they built it in colombo...But now the purposes have been widened.. It has reached the level of a Base Hospital.Bravo... Thanks to the courage & hard working of the doctors & hospital staff ...Now they have medical wards & peadiatric wards also...And the way they manage infectious diseases specially during epidemics is simply marvellous...Gratittudes for their  immense hard work...What a great service they provide to protect the society & its people...
                                                                           Matron showed us how they follow the P.P.E - personnel protective equipment,..I've never seen such a protective method..Information was very clear..She showed us the premises,quarantine rooms & wards...Showed us how they proceed with a patient's arrival & treatment... As before once ... i understood again... why the staff was very happy & safe... I was totally wrong.. Though this is IDH by the name.. it is farely safe here.. though there is a risk... they manage everything quite remarkably well...Astonishing i would say... if not the word incredible...Gratittudes from us... indeed...
                                                                  Consultant Physician came by then.. He was nice too... He taught us about how they are managing HIV patients here... Oh shit.. i made a huge mistake badness..its not patients.. its humans.... HIV humans....
                                            Though he taught us about protective methods.,,wearing glouses.. and all the stuff...the most important thing he said is that they treat HIV patients as humans in this hospital and should treat them as such... with no difference... He told us a story about a 16 yr old girl who had HIV - accidentally by blood transfussion - getting 10 A passes for her O/L exam.... He finished the story & went away... with a smile.. But i saw it....What was lying above... Tears in his eyes...
                                                                             I understood what you wanted to say sir... it is that no matter whether they have HIV or what.. they still are humans like us.. they still share the common blood ...

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