Sunday, August 26, 2012

Meghawarna Rajapaksha
Post no 02
                                                     Teaching To Them.... WOW...!!!!!

           "Try & try...One day you can fly...!!" Great saying isn't it.. wonder who said it first.. Think might be the Right brothers..-They were success with the statement.. that's why.-.. Don't know for sure though..  Doesn't matter..
                                                Ah..!! I remember well when im 10 years old.. I also tried & tried.. climbed a tree towards the top..tried to reach the tip..So near..touched it.. whoops..!! at last succeeded.. I tried.. i flew.. ended up in a bed of a base hospital.. Oh jesus..!!! how dreadful it was.. frightens me still...
                                    Yet again i tried & tried.. for a week or so.. @ last after 10 days.. i succeeded.. not with flying actually.. But with preparing myself to be ready at the time...
                                                        I looked @ the watch.. Hah...!! 5.45am it says..Well done myself..!! Today he cant blame me..- our monitor.. who else.- I practised for 10 days to wake up so early in the morning ..Hard workin & immense dedication i have to mention.. Mmmm... 4da 1st time i feel myself flying.. so free...Y not should i be..??For crying out loud i have prepared myself early..  Im the happiest..!!!
                                                 Today is a special day for me.. For us i beg your pardon..Teaching is hard.. But the most interested.You get pleasure.,you get merits.,you get skills.,you get self satisfaction.,. basically you get everything..That;s how teaching works.. marvellous.. isn't it..
                                                                         I remember our monitor said about this visit..
"We are going to educate children about health education guys..not today but 4 days be prepared.. devide to groups..choose an age group..choose a topic.." He also said about a time period.. 45 minutes or so..Well i didn't care about it much..Because i wanted to do more than a hour..- very nasty of me.. I accept.. But what to do..Poor me.. I like teaching..
                        I went near him.." machan,where are we exactly a school?? "
"No machan.. to an Orphanage.."
                                                       In the name of Zeus..I got a hypotensive shock with blackouts.!!! Hearing that word "orphanage"..Why do people leave their children like this.?? Aren't children suppose to be the flowers of the population.??? Damn it..This world is Cruel..indeed..worse than cruel if i add..
                                                                             I determined thoroughly myself that i should prepare myself well & properly.. This is not an easy task..We must maintain within our limits..
                                           We devided... 4 in my group..We got the age group 16 & 17..So we chose what we thought would be the best & ideal.. " First Aid Management.."
                                                                                                                         Again if i say ..not an easy task it is,,Monitor said there would only be girls..Oh..!! definitely not an easy task..!! We should mark our limits..We should be precise.. We should be accurate.. We should be friendly.. And we should not be boaring..- indeed not an easy task.. We surfed through net.. Peeped through web sites..Sank through pages of books..gathered information..-- hall mark.. To be prepared properly..
                                                                                     It was " Shilpa Children's Development Centre".Situated @ Narahenpita.Dreadful feelings were haunting my mind throughout the journey.. bones were clattering..Was shivering myself...not knowing whether i would be able to do this presentation well. Atleast to a moderate level..
                                                                    Bus stopped..We got down.. So near to the place.. I was trembling..shivering..sweating..clattering my bones...oh dear god.. You name it i had it.. Everything was with me..I prepared myself well so as the others..But still i have to present it infront of them.. What an experience would it be..?? will i be wordless infront of them..?? will i be nervous..?? will i get faint.?? Incase of that.. They'll have to give me some first aid at the first place.. Shit.. What a shame would it be.. - no way.. i musn't get faint..
                                                                 Well maintained place it was..We were welcome warmly..Time was running out - as it always does -..We started quickly...
                                                                    16 girls came.. of 16 & 17 years of age.. with smiling faces..& sat down infront of us..My BP was rising... palpitations.. tachycardia.. arrhythmia..tachypnoea.. pressure.. pressure.. pressure.. Oh for god sake i needed first aid for myself... I was wordless.. But the miracle started slowly but way too strongly that my pathetic sympathetic system could not hold for much long..Seeing their inocent faces i had sad feelings filling up my mind spontaneously..They are same as us.. same body bearing same organs.. everything same as us.. Only difference is that they dont have the most precious thing of the world which we have with us..
                                              We introduced ourselves..They responded well..barrior broken - to obtain communication -... Such a nice group..Such a friendly group.. All were like our own sisters.. My godness their inocense.. and willing to listen to our  presentation..What else would you need to perform..?? We started..
                                               I gave an introduction..I was gradually becoming myself..Conformational changes were occuring to me..What was happening??? Shivering gone.. clattering gone..I didn't do it by myself.. Who did it..?? - Who knows...
                                                                       With their communication... with their co-operation.. i got the way to approach.. We wrote the topics on the board.. - It was a white board.. A huge one..
                  (01).Snake Bite                                              (05).Dog Bite
                  (02).Faint                                                       (06).Fever
                  (03).Subluxation of a tooth                            (07).Choking
                  (04).Cuts & Wounds                                      (08).Burns
                                                                                                                       They were so interested..I asked them what they know first..They answered.. one by one..Well they know for a quite extent ..I must admit that i was astonished by their knowledge about certain streams of first aid... - Truly marvellous i would say..
                                              They participated well with us..It was merely not a lecture.. nor presentation..but was a successful discussion.. We asked questions.. They answered.. They asked questions.. We answered..We gave them information.. They listened..We show them with demonstrations.. They watched...How easy it was with them..!!! They behaved so well.. Gratittudes for the caring staff... Job Well Done....!!!!
                                                                     Step by step i explained my parts..Had to do some idiot jorks also meanwhile..- dont know whether i made myself a jork by going to do jorks..- Idea was to maintain their concentration.. Loved to hear them loughing loudly.. it made me happy..After each & every section i gave a summary..& asked them to teach me..My god how intelligent they are..They gave me a summary which even beat my one..!!
                                                      Others also did their parts very well...At the end when we look @ the clock.. we've taken almost 2hours..We were so satisfied.. I myself was overwhelmed..They thanked us.. Gave us a treat.. One girl did her vote of thanks which made tears in our eyes..
                                                                   Went off the place saying goodbye to the dearest sisters....Happy...Satised...more than that.,with joy of spending an unforgettable time with those little flowers... indeed flowers among people...!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that was intense, imagine if all your teachers had to go through this every time we had to give a lecture, anyway I am glad that you got over your stage freight somewhat :)
