Saturday, August 25, 2012



Our life is precious to us, for more than anything. All the time we try to complete our needs may be even beyond the affordable level. But do we really think in the same way about the other person’s life?....

During the 2nd week our clerk ship module, we got the opportunity to visit such a place where humanity has established beyond the infinity, around the disabled people. It’s “Friend’s in Need Society” a group of admirable humans who willingly become friends of different able people with the purpose of helping them with pure hearts. 


Though I have passed this place for several times, I never bothered to find out what it is… But now I know that CFINS (Colombo friends in need society) is the oldest charitable organization of Sri lanka, which has a history for more than 180 years.

Once entered into the society building we were allowed to stay in hall where different types of artificial limbs were displayed on a board at one side and photographs of different events of the society were at the other side. And had a brief description on the function, main activities as,
  • ·         Manufacturing artificial limbs and offering them (freely) to people who are in need ( this occurs under recommendation of doctors and other relevant personnel).
  • ·         Mobile bus limb fitting programme
  • ·         Education grants for disabled people
  • ·         Pension scheme for disabled elders
  • ·         Maintenance of transit hostel and other accommodations for patients who are coming from distance areas (completely free of charge)  
  •      and also about the work shop of the society by two kind persons, who seemed to be in their late sixties. They have been in service for this society for more than 10 years and most of the staff members were volunteers. Some of the workers of the work shop had got prosthesis from CFINS, voluntarily involves as workers like a way of offering gratitude to the place, which gave a new hope to their lives.

I’ve been in this society for more than 11 years. When I go home I’ve no worries in my mind. Because I have given strength to people to stand by their own selves, who had came with clutches or wheel chair to this place……”

These were the final words uttered by one of those kind people, who have experience in this field in different countries for more than 30 years…This made me to think twice about the service what we should do for the society both as a ordinary and medical person.

Prathibha Arsakularatna
2nd Post
26/08/2012 .

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