Saturday, August 25, 2012

It’s all for the LITTLE HEROES of Future..

“Is this society ‘good’? …This society is full of cruelty and injustice… Yet we’ve taken much from it and we have to repay it back someday.. so as medical personals of the society, we have recognized our  responsibilities and duties.. And I’m happy to welcome you all for the 296th session of Mawu-Piya Mehewara Program.”  Those were the first few words came from Dr. L.A.W. Sirisena, reverberating in the MRI conference hall on 19th of August 2012.

Of course, it was the 3rd Sunday of the month, and little did we know what was in store for us @ MRI, Borella, when we started early from our Faculty that morning. Pregnant mothers with their husbands slowly started to show up and fill the whole hall, while my fellow group mates settled in the ‘Balcony’ seats at the back (as usual!).
Inaugurated in 1996, now with a proud history of almost sixteen years, Mawu-Piya Mehewara; Parent Craft session is organized by a voluntary organization called “Ma-Piya Sumithuro”

It’s founder  Dr. Sirisena Senior Consultant of Obstetrics and Gynecology, explained the importance of knowing the “Science of Pregnancy” and spoke briefly about the menstrual cycle, conception, development of the fetus, labour, etc. He explained further and advised not to do unnecessary scans in the pregnancy period. “Also our mothers seek consultant care at an avg. of 20 times per pregnancy, while the WHO recommendation is only 4 visits for an uncomplicated mother. We are wasting our resources as well as both mothers and doctors precious time” He said.

The session got more interested when Prof. S.J. Yogarajah of University of Kelaniya started to deliver on “Responsible Parenthood”.“  ‘Life’ is not having a lot of Money and possessing  luxuries.. it is the happiness that comes with healthy relationships and bonds. A parents’ dream is to see the smile of their own child someday… the most valuable gift to a newborn child is the unconditional love and affection between his/hers parents“.

Lectures were conducted in Sinhala medium at a very friendly manner using simple language. Lecture on  Nutrition was very interesting, which brought forth the topic of common myths regarding food of a pregnant mother. “ A balanced diet is always important as the mother should receive enough food for  both the baby and herself even after the pregnancy” The lecturer explained.

Then pregnant mothers (and their husbands too!) enthusiastically participated in an interactive session on exercises and Physical well-being during pregnancy. The importance of Mental Well-being was also highlighted in a separate lecture.. ‘Minor ailments and Discomforts during Pregnancy’ was done again by Dr. Sirisena.

The session went smoothly, and participants were refreshed with buns, fresh milk, tea in between the lectures ( which was a very encouraging thing for us!)

I came out of the hall at the end of the session as a different person. From now on I would dare forget my duties and responsibilities towards my country, my society. Not because someone else told me, not because others are doing it... It's because I am doing it all for the LITTLE HEROES of Future…

There's a place in your heart
And I know that it is love,
And this place could be much
Brighter than tomorrow…
And if you really try
You'll find there's no need to cry
In this place you'll feel
There's no hurt or sorrow

There are, ways to get there
If you care enough for the living
Make a little space.. Make a better place...
                                                                              - Michael Jackson

For more information Please visit

Dinushka U. Dantanarayana
19th Aug 2012
Post 02

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