Friday, August 31, 2012


Nagenthiram Harivallavan
3rd post

Child health clinics assess the physical, mental and social condition of children under school age, provide vaccinations and support parents in providing secure, child-focused rearing, care and in attending to relationships. The clinics also promote healthy growing environments for children and healthy family lifestyles. Support is provided by home visits by public health midwife before & after the birth of a child and MOH of that area.
PHM advice the mother to attend the clinic when the baby is one month old which is the first visit to the child welfare clinic.
During the first visit following will be measured in baby,
               Anthropometric measurements

                              occipito-frontal circumference

General examination

General appearance, any dysmorphic features
whether the baby is active or not
rashes in body
skin color
assess respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

Information found during the examination will be included in the child health development record
(CHDR). Following information record in the CHDR subsequence visits
               Anthropometric measurements
               Development milestones

The weighing of the child is done in CWC upto 6 months of age. From 7 months weighing is done in field weighing centers by the area PHM. The weighing is every month for first 2 years of age and once in 3 months upto 5 years of age.
Immunizations programme contact according to the national Immunizations schedule. The nutritional supplementation activities of CWC are providing mega doses of vitamin A & Thiposha. Mothers are educated about the complementary feeding, child health and how to gives ‘jeewani’.

“CHILDREN” the future of our world…

“CHILDREN” the future of our world…

In the third week of our appointment we were supposed to visit the child welfare clinic at Karagampitiya. Though I visited most of the places with empty mind, this time had some idea about the things what I would see. Once we went to the karagampitiya area we had to wander for few minutes to find the exact place. By the way it was almost 8.20 am when we entered the clinic place where one or two mothers waited carrying their babies until the clinic process starts.

After having a brief introduction about the work done in the place, we were allowed to take histories from the mothers (as a combination of pediatrics and gyn & obs details). As the time passed the number of young mothers carrying babies increased, but I was bit worried that there were only two fathers (Which I saw) who came in with their wives. Maybe the limited space of the place has restricted their will to help wife in this condition.. :)
The Medical officer of the clinic explained the duties of herself and the PHM at the clinic as,
  • ·         Providing health care facilities from birth up to 5 years of age. (From neonate to up to 2 years once a month, then up to 5 years once in 3 months.)
  • ·         Medical examination of the child (check whether they are fit enough to receive the vaccine)
  • ·         In case of any growth falter in the CHDR exclude errors in breast feeding (especially if the child is less than 6 months) exclude errors in dietary pattern, investigate/ inquire for other illness, refer the child to a pediatrician as necessary, provide relevant advices on nutrition of the child and educating the mother about the importance of vaccination as well about the adverse effects following immunization (AEFI).
  • ·          In the clinic no medication are given except vitamin A and it is given for children above 6 months for once in every 6 months in dose of 100 000 IU.
  • ·         Give thriposha for children with growth falter.
  • ·         Immunization. Vaccines are brought from MOH office and its efficacy is ensured.
  •       Main List of vaccines
                (List starts with Pentavelant as the BCG vaccine is usually given within 24 hours after birth)
                                 Pentavelant vaccine (At 2nd, 4th,6th ,18th  month of age with OPV, DPT with  OPV at 5th year
 JE (at 9th month)
  MMR ( at age of yr 1 and 3)
 Adult tetanus and diphtheria at age of 12

  • ·         Growth assessment by weighing and measuring the height of the child.
             Beam scale

                                                              Spring scale      

(Weighing is done at CWC only up to 6 months, after that it’s done at the weighing center of PHM of that area. Height is measured at 4,9,18 months; >2yrs once in 6 months)

We also had the opportunity to watch the immunization of babies as well as assessment of growth by the PHM. 

After all at the end of this visit I realized the extent which our parents and the health sector, care about the welfare of the children and also the responsibility which are there for us to fulfill in future as health workers.

Prathibha Arsakularatna
Post no. 03

Colombo Friend In Need

Chamila Harshanie Balasooriya
FMS/R/ 2834
Group B
Post 03

This society was established in 1831 by a Governor, Sir Edward Barnes. It’s the oldest charitable organization in Sri Lanka. Now it’s nearly 180 years old. Main service from this society to the public is manufacturing artificial limbs to amputees. This society includes nearly 30 staff members, including office staff, workshop and hostel staff.
Why people are amputated?.....  Due to various reasons like diabetes, RTA, osteosarcoma, infection, congenital deformities, leprosy etc. according to the level of amputation of the lower/upper limb, they are capable of producing prosthesis. (Prosthesis is an artificial device extension that replaces a missing body part) 
How people can be referred to CFIN?
·         Walk in basis
·         Grama niladhari – Social service officer from AGA office –Social service ministry –approves funding
·         MO of hospital
·         NGO”s 
A source of funding to this organization is by Ministry of Social Services, Rotary club, Lions club, individuals and the public.
Other than manufacturing the limbs, various other services are also given to the society,
ü  Stump conversion – after the amputation of the limb, once the wound is healed, the amputee is referred to the physiotherapist for stump preparation. Conical stump is suitable to fit prosthesis.
ü  Physiotherapy, exercise, gait training
ü  Transient hostel facilities, provision of food – there are 3 wards, 2-male and a female ward. 30 amputees can be accommodated at a time. Food and accommodation is free of charge.
ü  Self employment project – amputees are given loans for self employment to live independent lives as able individuals.
ü  Aidex annual sports meet – every year in October, a special sport meet for Jaipur limb users is conducted by CFIN in order to help them to live as normal people.
ü  Mobile limb fitting work shop – a Rosa bus consisting of drill machines, oven, work benches, grinding machine and a vacuum pump acts as a small mobile work shop. It travels to all parts of the country to fit artificial limbs to amputees who are unable to come to Colombo.
ü  Education grants to disabled children
ü  Pension scheme for disabled elders 

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Rochith Karunathilake
Post no.3

                                  Colombo Friends in Need

We were warmly welcomed by Mr.M.K.Karunasena the Workshop Manager of Jaipur Foot Programme.
He gave us an introduction to what the society is about.
                                                                          Established in 1831 it is the oldest charitable organization in Sri Lanka. Funded by Social services ministry,NGOs-Rotaract club,Lions club and by private donors.The Jaipur foot programme was started in 1985.One of the main services provided by this society is manufacturing artificial limbs.

    Then we visited the workshop.There Mr.A.H.Nepala the Asst.Workshop Manager gave us a brief introduction of how an artificial limb is made.He also explained us about the mobile workshop they have.

Another service provided by this society is the self employment grants.It was really encouraging to see how they worked and to see how active they were compared to people who claim to be perfect.

Water.. .Help Save Every Drop Of It..!!

“Even a tiny drop of rain should not be wasted off to the sea, without using it for a worth full course”

It was the vision of the legendary king, Maha Parakumba  who was renowned for his miraculous work in water management in the 11th century..  Water is life,.. it is precious to all living beings and we all depend on it every day.. Just imagine standing in a dry, hot day under the summer sun, without water even for a few minutes.. !!

It is the duty of mankind to protect the clean water and if possible preserve the re-usability of polluted water. In our visit to Raddolugama Water Treatment Plant & Sewage System, we saw it does an exemplary job in the above regard.

The Water Treatment Plant & Sewage System was established in 1987 to supply drinking water to the  housing scheme in the area. Later, a second water treatment plant was put up after the tremendous success had with the first one. Both to are fully functioning at present, though they have a few differences in their water treatment mechanisms. It supplies over 4500m3 of water per day to nearly 5000 houses, Police Station and Army Base at Seeduwa, Wijaya Kumaratunga Memorial Hospital and Katunayaka Industrial Zone.

Treating Water is a multi-step process –
  • First, water is pumped to the site from the water resource (Dandugan Oya).
  • Aeration of water
  • Then this water is aerated. Mixing with the atmospheric O2 helps in the oxidation of irons and other harmful particles and breaks them down. During aeration Alum (Aluminium Sulphate ) and Lime (Calcium hydroxide) is added. Alum combines with mud particles and form floccules while Lime helps in raising and maintaining the pH around 7.0.

  • Then the water slowly flows into sedimentation tanks where the mud floccules sink and collected in the bottom.
Sedimentation tanks

  • Then the mud free water enters the filtering tanks which are composed of layers of rocks arranged according to size. Water seeps through this and small particles and parasites are retained. There is a process to clean these filters by pumping air and washing when they get blocked.
  • Filtered water is then stored in large tanks and Chlorine gas is bubbled. Then clean water is pumped to regional tanks and houses.

Chlorinated water is pumped at the end

Quality control is a part of the process where water is checked for BOD, COD, E.coli and organisms once a fortnight. pH and the chlorine concentration is checked and maintained at 7.0 and 0.2mg/L respectively.

Sewage and kitchen waste is treated and disinfected before releasing in to the river. It is ensured that standard BOD and COD levels are achieved when they are released back.

Sewage system is also a multi-step process somewhat similar as the water treatment plant-

  • Houses in the scheme are positioned as twins. Sewage from a par collects small gullies and then to large gullies and into sewage well. This is pumped to grid channels and ultimately ends up in the aeration tanks.
Aeration of Sewage
  • Mechanical aerators mix the sewage with air and this accelerate the action of decomposing bacteria on the sewage.
  • Then this go to the tanks where sedimentation take place
  • Finally, bleaching powder is added and chlorinated.  The degraded material is dried under the sun and is used as fertilizer while the remaining disinfected water is released back to the river.

Dinushka U. Dantanarayana
28th Aug 2012
Post 03 
Chathubhashini Heenatigala
Post 3



We got a chance to visit a place where the oldest charitable organization in the country is going on.
It is Colombo Friend in need, Established in 1831. Its main function is to manufacture artificial limbs for
amputees. This organization helps patients with polio, congenital deformities and various injuries,
·         To correct the deformities
·         To control involuntary movements
·         To prevent further deformities
·         As a support to body weight
They get funds from social service ministry, NGOs, Rotaract club, Lion’s club, BOC and donors.
Colombo friends in need get referrals from MO of hospitals, NGOs, Grama Niladhari.
Services they are providing to the society
·         Artificial limbs [prosthetics] and orthotics are manufactured.
·         Stump conversions [out of there types of stumps conical stumps most suitable to fit a prosthesis]
·         Give exercises and physiotherapy for the patients for stump conversion.
·         Gait training
·         Hostel facilities are given for patients who have travel from faraway places.
·         Pension scheme for disabled people.
·         Aidex annual sport meets.
·         Mobile bus limb fitting work shop

Artificial devices product by Friends in need Colombo
Lower limbs
1.  Long leg caliper
2. Short leg caliper
3. Ankle foot orthosis
4. Knee brace
5. Aluminum back splint

6.   Scoliosis brace
7.   Spinal brace/ Boston brace

8.   Cockup splint
9.   Mallet splint
10.   Radial nerve splint
11.   Cervical collar for neck

Lower limbs
 1. Hip disarticulation prosthesis
2. Trans femoral prosthesis- above knee amputation
3. Through knee prosthesis
4. Trans tibial prosthesis- below knee amputation
5. Ankle disarticulation- Symes prosthesis
6. Mid foot prosthesis

Upper limbs
1. Through shoulder artificial hand
2. Above elbow artificial hand
3. Below elbow artificial hand
4. Cosmetic hand for below elbow

Colombo Friend in need Society

Sandeepanie Vithanage

             On 29/08/2012 we went to a beautiful place near the Berewawa. It was the Colombo Friend In Need Society.

                 Colombo Friend in Need Society established in 1831. This was organized to help disable persons in Sri Lanka as well as maintain a transit hostel for the disable persons. This society is 180 years old & is the oldest Charitable organization in the country.

                   They provide prosthetics to replace the lost body part & orthotics  to replace the lost body function. They have two factory sites for plastic & aluminum. Not only in Colombo but also outside of  Colombo too having workshops.

Reasons for amputation
  • Diabetes
  • Traffic accident
  • Osteosarcoma
  • Infection or Deformity
  • Leprosy

Why do they need orthotics,
  • To correct the deformity
  • To prevent further deformity
  • To control involuntary movement
  • As a support to body weight

            They  have  staff including several numbers. They provide lot of  services for amputated people.
  • Artificial limbs (various types) are manufactured.
  • Mobile bus limb fitting workshop.
  • Education granted to disabled children.
  • Pension scheme for disabled elders.
  • Aidex annual sports meet.
  • Self employment  grants

           Colombo Friend in Need Society is a real friend to the amputated people because they give them to new life…………..