Saturday, September 1, 2012



Do you use pipe born water?

Definitely your answer should be ‘yes’.But ever did you think that, how has these water been treated?

27.08.2012-We visited to water treatment plant at Raddolugama,to see how our water sources was treated before distribute.

Raddolugama water treatment contains 2 treatment units which supply water to houses in the scheme ,surrounding villege, Wijaya kumaratunge memorial hospital, police station and army base Seeduwa, and Katunayaka industrial zone.

This treatment process is contained several steps.

1. Pump from the river- water is pumped from 2 large wells that situated near the Dandugan oya.

2. Aeration- In this step water is whirled in the air to mix with oxygen. While mixing with oxygen, water is oxidized and ions and other particles in the water are broken down. During aeration  Al2SO4 and Ca(OH)2 is added.

3 .Sedimentation- In the sedimentation tank ,water slowly flows through parallel steel plates which stand at an angle. When the mud floccules hit the plates, floccules sink and are collected in the bottom of the tank. During this process mud and other particles are separated from the water.

4. Filtering- Mud free water then enter to filter tanks. Filters are composed of,

                          Superficial layer-sand

                          Middle layer-granite chips                                                            

                          Deeper layer-Concrete slabs with nozzles

5. Storage- Filtered water is stored in tow large tanks which are cowered by granite chips to avoid get heated from direct sun light.

6. Clorination- clorine gas is bubbled through the water in storage tanks .

7.Distribution-Pumps to regional tanks and then to houses.  
me of student /Date of Visit/post number (1/2/3/4 etc)

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