Sunday, September 2, 2012

a true FRIEND in need

chamathka kospalawaththa
post  no3

Did you ever thought about the importance of your hands, legs  ???
Did you ever thought what would happen if u lost your limbs  ???
Did you ever thought “is there anything that can replace my limbs”???
For me…..answer was “NO”
Until we went into “Colombo Friend In Need” as a part of our clerkship appointment.

Colombo Friend In Need Society is a charitable organization, which organize to help disable persons. It was started in 1831.
But the “ Jaipur Foot Programe was started in 1985. This organization is managed by the Board of Management.
Patients are refer by
·         Walk in basis
·         MO of a hospital
·         NGO’s
·         Grama Niladhari
(There should be an approval from Grama niladhari, Social services officer of AGA Office, Social Service Ministry to take the service free of charge)

In 1985 they start making “aluminum limbs”. It was a low cost prosthetic. In 1991 plastic socket fabrication was introduced. In 1995 the project was expanded to high technology limb with used ottobock component & endolite limb component.
These limbs are lighter than the jaipur type of limbs & they can wear with a shoe.

Here they produce prosthetics as well as orthotics.
Aim of the prosthetic is                                                                                              get the normal function and cosmetic appearance after removing a part of the body.
Aim of the orthotic are
          Correct the deformities           
          Prevent further deformities
          Control involuntary movements
          Support to body weight

  • Components of
 Below knee prosthetic are             above knee prosthetic are
                   Socket                                                               Socket
                   Shank                                                               Shank
                   Foot                                                                  Knee joint
                   Suspension strap                                              Foot
                                                                                            Above knee belt

          Office staff         - 7
          Workshop staff  - 17
          Hostel staff        - 4

Source of funding

          Ministry of social services
          Rotary club
          Lions club
          Individuals and public sponsored project

Other projects of the Colombo friend in need society

1.     training programme on jaipur limb system
2.     mobile limb fitting camp
3.     sport meet for jaipur limb users
4.     self employment project for amputees
5.     hostel accommodation for amputees

1. Training programme
·         training courses were conducted for 2 Nepalese trainees, 2 Bangladesh trainees & one Pakistan trainee
·         jaipur type foot workshop was started at abbotabad in Pakistan in 2006 & jaipur foot workshop manager visited Pakistan several times to upgrade the workshop.
2. Mobile limb fitting camp
A Mitsubishi Rosa bus has converted into a mobile workshop. Limbs are fabricated inside the bus. It goes to outstations and supply artificial limbs to amputees.

3. Sports meet for jaipur limb users
Every year in October they conducted a sports meet for jaipur limb users in order to enhance the quality of life.

4. Self employment project
Amputees are given loans for self employment to encourage them to live independent lives as able individuals.

5. Hostel accommodation for amputees
There are 3 wards. Two for males & one for females.
30 amputees can be accommodating at a time. Food and accommodation is free of charge.

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